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Thursday, 10 November 2016


“The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential; these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.”
How apt the lines are, since it is exactly what the sporting talents aimed for – Personal Excellence.
Finally the day arrived, the day for which every individual at DPS-JC waited with bated breath – The Annual Sports Day, 2016. Preparations had started earlier in form of certain events, practice, and of course, the fanfare. But the final day had a different grandeur. The anxiousness, the excitement, the zeal, the shine in the eyes of the athletes, the passion and determination in those bright eyes, everything had a story to narrate. Leave aside the students, even the teachers were bathing in excitement, as if it weren’t the children but they who were to sprint.
The morn of 9th November presented a wonderful  sight of DPS-JC, with the sporting arena – the ground, magnificently decorated, the colours of rangoli at the entrance anxiously awaiting the guests, the tracks gaping with wonder, patiently waiting for the sprinters to stamp their authority, and of course, the individuals sweating it out in the last minute preparations, leaving no stone unturned to ensure a flawless gala event.
Sharp at 9.30 am, the Chief Guest for the opening ceremony, Sri Ajeet Vasant(IAS),CEO-Zila Panchayat, Janjgir-Champa, arrived amidst the loud and bold proclamation of Mrs.Kalpana Singh, anchoring the show, and the thunderous claps and cheer of the onlookers.  He was accompanied by Sri.Raj Kishore Dewangan, President, DPS-JC, Sri.Purusottam Dewangan, Vice President, DPS-JC, Associate Vice President, Sri.Kamal Kishore Dewangan and Sri Mani Bhusan Choubey, Principal, DPS-JC. All dignitaries were extended a warm welcome on the red carpet, and led to the dais where they were greeted with bouquets. A beautiful welcome was accorded to the guests in the form of a beautiful song. Thereafter Principal, Sri Mani Bhusan Choubey, officially welcomed the Chief Guest and other Dignitaries. In his welcome speech he highlighted on the importance of Games and Sports and Sportsmanship. The Sports Captain then invited the Chief Guest for the inspection of the March Past Troops. Post inspection, the sports torch was lit and the school flag was hoisted. Students then prepared for the March Past and Salute, post which the Chief Guest  administered the oath to the participants.  A beautiful Rajasthani Dance added charm to the show and elated one and all. Thereafter, President Sir, Sri Raj Kishore Dewangan, was invited to address the gathering. Sir, in his ever charming way, elated every heart. He stressed on the importance of sports quoting that sports and studies go hand-in-hand. He also focused on participation and fairness in sporting activities. Next we were privileged to hear the Chief Guest. The Chief Guest in his speech profusely praised the school and School Administration. He expressed his gratitude for being invited to the school. He recollected memories of his school days and enjoyed the moment of joy and excitement. Thereafter he declared the 6th Annual Sports, 2016 open amidst release of pigeons – symbolizing peace and happiness..
The events brought out varied emotions. Winners jumped in jubilation while losers were lost in disappointment. But every emotion was momentary. Soon realization dawned on them that winning or losing hardly mattered. They were back to their cheerful best. The events amounted for a lot of excitement and joy. The tiny little sprinters won everyone’s heart. If anything was missing, it was fulfilled in the last event that accounted for a lot of excitement and confusion, until the protest committee intervened and sorted out the dispute.
Events ended, and time came for the closing ceremony. The morning that commenced with such jubilation and cheer, suddenly turned somber in the noon; as if life had gone out of the window. But the major wonder was yet to come.
All the four houses assembled once again for Closing Ceremony March Past. Our very own President Sir, Shri Rajkishore Dewangan, was the Chief Guest for the closing ceremony. He was extended a warm welcome once again. Post march past, the Chief Guest was invited to address the gathering. Prizes were given to the winners by President Sir, Vice President Sir and AVP Sir, and Results were declared one after the other amidst rapturous clapping.
Amidst thunderous applause The Chief Guest declared the names of The Best Athlete in various categories and the Best House in Sports for the year 2016. The winners were awarded with trophies.  
And finally the most solemn action of the day began – the lowering of the school flag and extinguishing the sports torch.  The School Flag was lowered by the Chief Guest. Then the four House Captains led by the Sports Secretary, Head Boy and Head Girl, took part in a Flag Drill. Finally, The Head Boy handed over the School Flag to the Chief Guest who handed it to the Principal. It was left in the safe custody of the Organising Secretary, Mr.Piyush Mishra(PET).
To Sum up –
"The medals don't mean anything and the glory doesn't last. It's all about happiness. The rewards are going to come, but happiness is just loving the sport and having fun performing."

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