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Tuesday 1 May 2018


For the planning of CCA activities of the whole year, a House Meeting was organized in the school on 7th April 2018. The meeting was opened by all the house incharges of Aakash , Agni, Prithvi and Vaayu house in their particular venues. House Incharges collected the names of children of their house for the further procedures and selection processes. House Incharges explained about the current events and programs which were going to be held in the month of April. They encouraged students for their 100 % participation. This year as we always do, we will be organizing various Co-Curricular Activities every Saturday. Each house will be responsible for the selection of the participants for the activities of their choice. The House Masters/Mistresses will collect the names and the selection procedure would be there. Overall the House Meeting was beneficial for the planning of CCA for the entire session.

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